What Is An Edge Beveler?

Once your cutting and stitching improve on your leather projects you will notice that your leather edges will still look untidy and frayed. A tool that i found that has made the world of difference to my leather work is the edge beveler. This tool does an amazing job of cleaning up your edges of your leather projects.

An edge beveller is a hand held tool for leathercraft that allows you to round off and neaten the edges of your leather pieces. This is done by dragging the beveler along the edge which removes a small portion of the edge. This will result in a nice beveled or rounded edge depending on the type of beveler you are using.

In this post i discuss the edge beveler and all its uses in detail and how if its used correctly will hopefully help to improve your leather work. I have discussed the edge burnisher in another post (click here) if you have are keen to learn a bit more about it. Please read further for more info on edge bevelers.

How to use and edge beveler?

Edge bevelers are easy to use but it’s always worth practising a bit on some old leather before you start using it. You will firstly need to lightly dampen your leather and allow it to dry slightly for a few minutes before using it. Now carefully drag/push your edge beveler all along the edge of your leather and you will see that a sliver of leather will peel off as you go. Take a look at your edge and see how it has rounded off and looks much neater. Now use the beveler on the other side of your leather as well so that both sides are rounded.

How to sharpen your edge beveler?

Eventually though you will need to sharpen you beveler and this may need to happen quite often depending on the quality of the beveler that you purchased. In order to sharpen your tool you will need some leather lace, leather strop and some 600 grit sandpaper. Please see this video for a detailed guide on how to sharpen your beveler. You will also need some jewellers rouge to rub on your leather strop and your leather lace which you can buy from the leather store near you.

Caring for your edge beveler?

Like any tool that is used for cutting or undergoes any sort of wear and tear it will need to be cared for and sharpened from time to time. When not in use make sure to replace the cap or protective tip so that you don’t accidentally cut yourself and you also protect the edge from damage. It definitely helps to have a area where you can store your tools when they are not in use. A workshop is perfect and you should have a designated area for your beveller. If you are not lucky or rich enough to have your own workshop then it is handy to have a storage space in a tool box or tool bag.

Types of edge bevelers can you buy?

There are a variety of different bevelers that are available to purchase. What makes an edge beveler different as they are not all the same. There are different sizes available depending on the thickness of your leather.

Sizes range from size 0 to size 4. Size 0 is suitable 0.6mm leather thickness. Size 1 is suitable for 3-4oz leather. Size 2 is suitable for 4-6oz leather.
Size 3 is suitable for 6-8oz leather and lastly Size 4 is suitable for 8-10oz leather.

Depending on the type of beveler you have purchased eg. one with a rounded edge or one with a beveled edge you will get a slightly different edge. If you are using a beveled edge beveler you will get more of a 45 degree edge whereas the rounded edge beveler will give you a more rounded edge.

Bevelers are broken down into 2 categories;
Keen edge beveler and regular edge bevelers. The keen edge bevelers have concaved edge or “blade”. These will give you a round edge and allow you to go over the same edge several times over.
I think this type of beveller is suited to the more skilled leather worker but the result is a beautiful smooth edge.
The regular edge beveler has a straight “blade” with an engle on the end and a convex side. These bevelers cut very easily and are more suited to the beginner user. Bevelers are made from a wide variety of steels that range in hardness and durability. The stainless steel bevelers tend to stay sharper for longer than the cheaper alloy bevelers.

When choosing your beveler it is best to try them out before you use them if possible. The handle needs to feel comfortable in your hand so that it will not become tiring when using it for long periods.
Some bevelers come with detachable ends so that you can change out should you require a different size bevel or if yours becomes blunt. These bevelers are a bit more pricy but they do allow you to work on a variety of thicknesses of leather by only having one tool. Check out this awesome edge beveler set available on Amazon which gives you a wide variety of choices.

Where can you buy an edge beveler?

You can buy an edge beveler from any reputable leather store or online at a variety of places eg. Amazon. The prices of bevelers range from between $8 to $30 depending on the make and type of beveler. Tandy Leather also sells a variety of bevelers. Some of them come with a variety of sharpeners, leather lace, sand paper, leather strops etc. You can also buy these items separately. No matter what beveler you buy though, they will eventually need to be sharpened.


All in all a edge beveler is and essential tool if you would like to make well crafted, well finished leather items. The beveler will give you a more finished and refined leather edge and will help elevate your leather work to that of a professional. It will also help you if you also purchase an edge burnisher as these 2 tools compliment each other in giving you a clean beautiful edge. Good luck and all the best with your leather work

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