What Is A Skiving Tool Used For?

There is definitely no substitute for experience, and in leather work you learn something new on each project you undertake. An example of this is the first belt I made. It’s a simple project, but there are a few tricks that will help turn an ordinary belt into something much more special. A skiving tool can help improve your projects.

A skiving tool or skiver is a handheld tool used to make leather thinner or reduce its thickness in certain areas. The skiving tool is placed on the flesh side of your leather and gently dragged across the surface in order to reduce its thickness. The blade of the skiver removes thin layers each time its dragged across the surface.

In this post I discuss the skiving tool tips, how it’s used, what it is used for, and how it can help improve your leather craft projects.

How to use a skiving tool or skive leather.

A skiving tool, leather skiver, leather thinning tool and skiver tool are all the same tool, just alternative names for the same tool. Skiving, splitting and shaving leather also all have the same meaning: gradually remove layers of leather in order to make it thinner.

As mentioned, it’s a handheld tool that is dragged across your leather in certain areas where you would like to make leather thinner. If you have 3 or 4 pieces of 3mm leather that need to be stitch together your edges could become quite bulky and difficult to stitch together, resulting in a leather edge than is 9mm thick!

Place your skiving tool flat on the flesh side of the leather where you would like to make it thinner. Make sure you are holding down the leather securely as you don’t want it to move when you drag the skiver. Next drag the skiver smoothly and slowly towards to. You will notice that a layer of leather has been skived or scraped away resulting in slightly thinner leather. Repeat the process until the desired thickness has been reached. NOTE: make sure your skiving blade is sharp before you start skiving.

When do you need to use a skiving tool.

When you start making items like wallets, bags and belts etc. you will quickly realise that sewing 3 or 4 pieces of leather together can become a tricky exercise. You may end up with a wallet or belt that is too bulky/ thick and uncomfortable to wear. By using a skiving tool you can scrape off thin layers of leather that help reduce its thickness. Which helps make it sleeker and more comfortable to wear.

NOTE: remember to scrape on the flesh side of your leather so as not to leave any visible marks on the grain side. First practise on some spare leather pieces so you get the feel for the skiver before you attempt it on your actual project.

Skiving tool
A Skiving tool used to reduce leather thickness.

Other tools that can be used instead of a skiving tool

Hands down the skiving tool is best suited for reducing leather thickness. There are some other tools you could use as an alternative should you not have access to a skiving tool. Here is list of tools you could also use:

  1. Dremel Tool
  2. Belt sander or just sandpaper
  3. Machine skiver
  4. Leather splitter machine
  5. Round or head knife
  6. Exacto Knife

All of the above tools could be used as an alternative to a skiving tool. Some are machines that cost a lot more than a regular skiving tool (Machine skiver, leather splitter, belt sander) These are more suited to bulk skiving.

Where can i buy a skiving tool?

You can purchase a leather skiving tool from your local leather supply store, or you can order one from Amazon or any other supplier such as Tandy leather. There are a wide variety of types of skiving tools and we will discuss some of them in this post. Some skiving tools can be purchased with a pack of spare replacement blades.
Other skivers are sold with a sharpening tool included so that when your skiver is blunt, you can sharpen it. There are skiving machines you can buy, but these are expensive and are more suited for a leather business and when need to skive a large quantity of leather. There are even some DIY home solutions that can be used instead of skiving tool. eg. Dremel tool or belt sander.

How much is a skiving tool?

Skiving tools are generally inexpensive and cost about the same as an edge beveller or scratch awl. Prices vary depending on the quality, and some skivers sell for as little as $4, while others are more expensive and can set you back as much as $70. If you are just beginning your journey into leather work, it’s not really necessary spending $70 on a skiving tool. As you get a bit more serious and involved you can purchase a more expensive option that will last you many years. Here is a cheap option from Amazon if you would like to purchase one or check out some of the options.

Is a skiving tool safe for kids to use.

I would not recommend children under the age of 10 use a skiving tool. At the very least they should be under adult supervision when using the tool. It’s always best that an adult demonstrate how to use the tool first, before allowing them to use it on their own. As always explain the need to work slowly and methodically and to keep their hands away from the cutting blade.

Skiving tool blade
Picture showing blade replacement on a skiving tool

Can my local leather store thin/skive leather for you?

Yes, some leather stores do offer this service. Just take your leather pieces into the store and tell them what you need, and they will thin your leather for you. It is a cheap and simple process as they have machines to perform this task.

How much leather will a skiving tool remove?

How much leather you take off will depend on a few factors. Firstly, what kind of leather are you using and also its thickness? If you are using vegetable tanned leather, which is generally much thicker than upholstery leather you can skive off much more to help reduce the thickness. 1 or 2mm should be sufficient to reduce the thickness of your leather pieces. The skiving tool will also rough up your leather surface so that it provides a good bond for glue. Upholstery leather is generally too thin to skive so be very careful that you don’t go all the way through your leather.

Is it easy to use and how long it will take?

Yes it is really simple process to learn. I do suggest that you practise on some offcut leather first so that you get a feel for the tool before you start on your actual leather project. It’s always best to take your time and not hurry as this will cause you to make unnecessary mistakes. It is a fairly quick process depending on the size of the leather and the amount you have to skive.

What are the benefits of skiving your leather?

Skiving your leather helps create a slimmer items that not only look sleek and beautiful but also function well. You will also learn another skill which you can use on many other leather work projects.

Should i rather buy a skiving machine?

There are a wide range of machines available depending on your specific need. It is best to consult a professional or do adequate research before purchasing a skiving machine. As mentioned before a skiving machine is more suited for a leatherwork business where items will be mass produced.


Skiving your own leather is very easy to learn and a skill worth learning. A skiving tool is used quite often in leather craft and is also relatively cheap. Investing in one will definitely help to improve your leather work projects.

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